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N&G 2024 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 15-17 February 2024, and will be the ultimate meeting place to discuss the interplay between nutrition and growth in the pediatric age group.
The field of nutrition and growth in child development continues to evolve, and we invite you to join us in uncovering new knowledge, discussing the latest data, exploring challenges and best practices and sharing ideas and perspectives between different disciplines in order to facilitate collaborations.
Be part of the movement.
15% discount on the registration rate for N&G 2024 with promo code: NG15
Faculdade de Farmácia da U.L.
Av. Prof. Gama Pinto
1649-003 Lisboa
Contacto: Fernanda Asper
Telefone.: +351 217 946 400
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Fax: +351 217 946 491
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