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  • Curso Pós-Graduado em Genética e Genómica para Clínicos (GGGC) - 1ª Edição

    16 out 2020 a 06 fev 2021



    06 nov 2020

    Evento Virtual

  • ESPKU VIRTUAL meetings for professionals at the Annual Meeting- Deadline for abstracts 20th September 2020

    30 out 2020

    Virtual Meeting

  • Um outro olhar sobre as Raras: somos 300 milhões!

    28 fev 2020

    Lisboa & Porto

  • 2019 SSIEM Academy Clinical and Laboratory Scientist courses

    29 abr 2019 a 30 abr 2019

    Zurich, Switzerland

    | Saiba mais

    | Site SSIEM

  • SSIEM Annual Symposium 2019

    03 set 2019 a 06 set 2019

    Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    | Site SSIEM

  • 11th International Meeting of the SPCE-TC

    10 out 2019 a 12 out 2019

    FFUL, Lisboa

  • Curso de Verão FFUL "Hands-On: MS (Espectrometria de massa)"

    01 jul 2019 a 13 jul 2019

    FFUL, Lisboa

  • International Symposium on Ethical Implications of Advanced Stem Cell Research

    13 jun 2019

    Rectorate of NOVA University, Lisbon

    We are pleased to announce that the Aga Khan University and the Nova University, Lisbon, are co-hosting a Symposium entitled Stem Cell Science, Regenerative Medicine, Ethics and Society.

    The acceleration of research in stem cells and regenerative medicine and its potential applications stands to offer hope for alleviating human suffering. At the same time...

  • Mestrados FFUL

    01 jun 2019 a 15 jul 2019

    FFUL, Lisboa


Faculdade de Farmácia da U.L.
Av. Prof. Gama Pinto
1649-003 Lisboa

Contacto: Fernanda Asper
Telefone.: +351 217 946 400
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Fax: +351 217 946 491


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