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Travel Scholarship for SSIEM Annual Symposium

03 abr, 2022

The Society invites applications for Travel Scholarships of up to approximately €700 (seven hundred Euro) for European candidates, and up to approximately €1500 (One thousand five hundred Euro) for candidates outside Europe, to enable SSIEM members and non-members to attend the SSIEM Annual Symposium by covering the travel costs (including costs of visa, if necessary). In addition, the Society will cover the registration fee and accommodation in the same hotel for all travel scholarship winners. Applicants MUST be under 40 years of age on the day of submission. Part of the Travel Scholarships will be awarded to those in financial need in combination with the acceptable scientific content and the remaining primarily on the basis of the scientific content of the abstract. Submissions will be ranked by four independent senior SSIEM members. In the event of a tie the award will be given to the applicant with higher financial needs and, if these are equal to the SSIEM member.

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